Judicial process for recognition of Italian citizenship by female descent (discendents by people born before 1948)

The important decision n. 4466 of 25 February 2009 of the Supreme Corte di Cassazione in United Sections (which recalls the principles of the decisions of the Constitutional Court n. 87 of 1975 and n. 30 of 1983) established that the status of Italian citizen can also be recognized in court for descendants of children born before 1 January 1948 by those Italian women, who, by effect of an ancient law lost their Italian citizenship when they married a foreigner man.

Therefore, as the current impossibility of the recognition of citizenship in an administratively way, thanks to this sentence, the descendants of these women have the possibility of acting judicially by promoting a judgment at the Court in order to be recognized Italian citizenship jure sanguinis from the outset.

The office of Atty. Trezza, dealing with the judicial phase at the Courts, thanks to the help of foreign collaborators who deal with the necessary documentation and translation, can guarantee and assist the foreign client that, without the need to come to Italy, can obtain citizenship Italian jure sanguinis.


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